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Goodbye Mog, 3 ani+, Harper Collins Children’s Books

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Impachetare cadou GRATUIT
Livrare 24-48H doar 12 lei
Livrare gratuita la comenzi > 200 Lei
Impachetare cadou GRATUIT
Pentru Copii de 3 sau 4 ani (3 ani+)
cod produs 106726
Livrare 24-48H doar 12 lei
Livrare gratuita la comenzi > 200 Lei
Impachetare cadou GRATUIT
Livrare 24-48H doar 12 lei
Livrare gratuita la comenzi > 200 Lei
Impachetare cadou GRATUIT
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Editura Harper Collins Children’s Books Carti pentru Copii de 3 sau 4 ani Carti din seria Mog

Share in fifty years of a really remarkable cat…

Say goodbye to MOG in this incredibly moving and stunningly illustrated story from Judith Kerr, creator of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and the MOG series.

Celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Mog the Forgetful Cat with special anniversary editions of her much-loved adventures.

Mog was tired. She was dead tired… Mog thought, ‘I want to sleep for ever.’ And so she did. But a little bit of her stayed awake to see what would happen next.

Join the Thomas family as they say goodbye to their dear pet Mog, and get a new kitten. It could all be a disaster, but Mog is still there to help…

A touching tribute to a character beloved for fifty years, Goodbye Mog is the perfect story for a gentle introduction to the subjects of grief and bereavement, with the one and only MOG herself.

Mog the Forgetful Cat was first published fifty years ago, and Mog has been delighting children all over the world with her adventures ever since. These books are the perfect gifts for boys, girls and families everywhere.

Editura Harper Collins Children’s Books Carti pentru Copii de 3 sau 4 ani Carti din seria Mog

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Livrare in 24-48H doar 12 lei
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